
Exploring the Keitt Mango: Origin, Characteristics, and Growing Regions

Mangoes are delicious tropical fruits loved by people around the world for their unique flavor and juicy sweetness. One variety that stands out is the Keitt mango. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Keitt mangoes, exploring their origins, distinctive characteristics, and the regions where they are primarily grown.
Exploring the Keitt Mango: Origin, Characteristics, and Growing Regions

Exploring the Keitt Mango: Origin, Characteristics, and Growing Regions


Keitt mangoes, with their distinctive green skin and luscious flavor, have captivated mango enthusiasts around the world. This unique mango variety, originating from Florida, United States, has gained popularity for its large size, sweet taste, and late-season availability. Whether you're seeking a tropical delight for culinary creations or simply a refreshing snack, Keitt mangoes are a sought-after choice. In this article, we will explore the origins, characteristics, and where to find these delicious fruits, allowing you to savor the tropical goodness of Keitt mangoes wherever you are.

What is a Keitt Mango?

The Keitt mango (Mangifera indica) is a large-sized mango cultivar renowned for its green skin even when fully ripe. Originating in Florida, United States, the Keitt mango is now grown in several countries, including Mexico, Israel, and Australia. This variety is a late-season mango, typically harvested between July and September, making it a popular choice for those seeking mangoes later in the year.

Distinctive Characteristics

Keitt mangoes have distinct characteristics that set them apart from other mango varieties. The fruit is large and oval-shaped, with an average weight of about 400-600 grams. Its skin is thick, and smooth, and turns from green to a deep greenish-yellow when fully ripe. One unique feature of Keitt mangoes is their ability to retain their green color even when fully mature, unlike most mangoes that change color as they ripen.

When it comes to taste, Keitt mangoes are known for their rich and sweet flavor. The flesh is juicy, fiber-free, and has a vibrant golden-yellow hue. The texture is smooth and creamy, providing a delightful eating experience. Keitt mangoes are often described as having a tropical and slightly tangy taste, making them perfect for various culinary applications, including desserts, salads, salsas, and smoothies.

Where are Keitt Mangoes Grown?

Originally cultivated in the United States, Keitt mangoes have gained popularity in various mango-growing regions across the globe. Here are some of the primary countries where Keitt mangoes are grown:

1. United States:
Keitt mangoes have their roots in Florida, where they were first discovered and cultivated. Today, they are still grown in Florida, particularly in southern parts of the state.

2. Mexico:
Mexico is one of the largest producers of Keitt mangoes. States such as Sinaloa, Nayarit, and Michoacán are known for their extensive Keitt mango plantations.

3. Israel:
 In Israel, Keitt mangoes thrive in the warm climate of the Jordan Valley. The country's advanced agricultural practices contribute to the production of high-quality Keitt mangoes.

4. Australia:
 Keitt mangoes have found a suitable growing environment in Australia's tropical regions, including Queensland and the Northern Territory. The fruit is harvested during Australia's summer months.


The Keitt mango is a sought-after variety loved for its large size, sweet flavor, and unique green skin even when ripe. Originating in Florida, this late-season mango has gained popularity in various countries, including Mexico, Israel, and Australia. Whether enjoyed fresh or used in culinary creations, Keitt mangoes offer a delightful tropical experience that leaves a lasting impression on mango enthusiasts worldwide.

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Q: What makes Keitt mangoes unique?

A: Keitt mangoes are unique due to their distinctive characteristics. They have thick, smooth green skin that remains green even when fully ripe, unlike most mango varieties that change color. Keitt mangoes are also known for their large size, sweet flavor, and juicy, fiber-free flesh.

Q: When is the harvest season for Keitt mangoes?

A: The harvest season for Keitt mangoes typically falls between July and September. They are considered a late-season mango variety, providing a delicious option for mango lovers later in the year.

Q: Where did Keitt mangoes originate?

A: Keitt mangoes originated in Florida, United States. They were first discovered and cultivated in the state.

Q: Apart from the United States, where else are Keitt mangoes grown?

A: Keitt mangoes are grown in several countries around the world. Some prominent regions for Keitt mango cultivation include Mexico, Israel, and Australia. These countries have suitable climates and agricultural practices to support the growth of high-quality Keitt mangoes.

Q: What is the taste and texture of Keitt mangoes?

A: Keitt mangoes have a rich and sweet flavor with tropical undertones. They are known for being slightly tangy, providing a delightful balance of sweetness and acidity. The flesh of Keitt mangoes is juicy, smooth, and creamy, without any fibrous texture.

Q: How can Keitt mangoes be used in cooking and recipes?

A: Keitt mangoes are versatile and can be used in various culinary applications. They are commonly enjoyed fresh, either sliced or diced. Keitt mangoes can also be used in desserts such as mango sorbet, smoothies, and fruit salads. Additionally, they can be incorporated into savory dishes like salsas, chutneys, and Thai mango salads.

Q: Are Keitt mangoes available year-round?

A: While Keitt mangoes have a specific harvest season between July and September, they can often be found in stores and markets for a few weeks after the harvest. However, their availability may vary depending on the region and import/export practices. It is recommended to check local sources during the harvest season for the freshest Keitt mangoes.

Q: Are Keitt mangoes genetically modified (GM)?

A: No, Keitt mangoes are not genetically modified. They are a naturally occurring mango variety that was selected and cultivated through traditional breeding methods.

Q: Can Keitt mangoes be grown in home gardens?

A: Yes, it is possible to grow Keitt mangoes in suitable climates, especially in regions with warm tropical or subtropical conditions. However, mango trees require proper care, including adequate sunlight, well-drained soil, and regular watering. It is recommended to consult local gardening experts or nurseries for specific guidelines on growing Keitt mangoes in your area.

Q: Are Keitt mangoes nutritious?

A: Yes, Keitt mangoes are nutritious and offer several health benefits. They are a rich source of vitamins, particularly vitamin C and vitamin A. They also contain dietary fiber, potassium, and antioxidants that contribute to overall well-being and support a healthy immune system.

Q: Can Keitt mangoes be frozen?

A: Yes, Keitt mangoes can be frozen for later use. It is best to peel and slice the mangoes before freezing them in an airtight container. Frozen Keitt mangoes can be used in smoothies, and desserts, or thawed for snacking.

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